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10 Truths


10 Truths

1. Something about you that might surprise others?

I wish I had gone to cooking school instead of college.

2. Favorite age so far and why?

I loved being 38 because I had a job that I loved, my children were at a great age, and I felt healthy and happy.

3. Do you have any vices?

Sugar. It’s terrible vice. I also don’t sleep enough—my phone makes me not sleep enough. And shopping.

4. Do you set goals or do you let things happen?

I set lots of goals and I have all my life. You have to set goals in order to achieve them!

5. What do you admire most in others?

Competence, humor, confidence, intelligence, humility.

6. What’s an immediate turnoff?


7. Something that makes you smile?

My family, the Cut staff, Portlandia.

8. Biggest fear or insecurity?

My biggest fear is that I will run out of good ideas. My biggest insecurity is that I’ve been insensitive to other people.

9. When do you feel like the best version of yourself?

When I’m arguing passionately with my husband. I don’t even have to be winning—but in those conversations I feel like the best version of myself.

10. Words you live by?

Produce more than you consume.